LGBT Asylum follows COVID-19 instructions and recommendations from Danish authorities
[på dansk nedenfor]
Due to the situation with the corona virus, our social activities in LGBT Asylum have been cancelled for the rest of the month. However, our email and phones are still open, and we still provide support and counselling on a one-to-one basis. For information about corona and the situation in Denmark, see the official information from the Danish authorities here – there is an “In English”-section at the bottom of the page.
Keep calm and take care of yourself and each other.
Pga. situationen med corona-virus er alle sociale aktiviteter i LGBT Asylum aflyst resten af måneden. Vores email og telefon er dog stadig åben, og vi yder stadig indviduel støtte og rådgivning. For viden om corona-virus i Danmark, se information fra myndighederne her.
Andre nyhedsartikler
Join us May 4th 2024 for an event where we present LGBT Asylum’s book “Like rooting in quicksand” (2023).
Regeringen drøfter lige nu, hvordan der skal skæres 26 mio. kr. på integrationsindsatser. Det er endnu ikke besluttet, hvilke organisationer der bliver ramt af besparelserne, men indtil regeringen beslutter sig, bliver alle bevillinger tilbageholdt.