Book presentation “Like rooting in quicksand”, an afternoon with LGBT Asylum
Join us May 4th 2024 for an event where we present LGBT Asylum’s book “Like rooting in quicksand” (2023).
The book features interviews, articles, art, and poetry and is an anthology of stories about LGBTQI+ newcomers navigating life in Denmark after being granted asylum. The contributions provide insight into the hopes, challenges, and accomplishments of LGBTQI+ persons with refugee backgrounds in Denmark.
“Like rooting in quicksand” has been honoured with the Literature Prize at the Danish Rainbow Awards 2023.
LGBT Asylum will host a panel discussion featuring LGBTQI+ newcomers who have asylum in Denmark. The panel will unfold how it feels to live in uncertainty with temporary residence permits without permanent protection. They will share their definitions of “home” and discuss the importance of queer networks and how an LGBTQI+ community like LGBT Asylum affects their sense of belonging.
During the event, you will have the opportunity to get your hands on a copy of the book.
We look forward to seeing you all! <3
Link to Facebook event can be found here.
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Regeringen drøfter lige nu, hvordan der skal skæres 26 mio. kr. på integrationsindsatser. Det er endnu ikke besluttet, hvilke organisationer der bliver ramt af besparelserne, men indtil regeringen beslutter sig, bliver alle bevillinger tilbageholdt.
LGBT Asylum udgav i februar 2023 bogen ”Som at slå rødder i kviksand”. Bogen er en antologi af historier om, hvordan LGBTI+ nyankomne navigerer livet i Danmark efter at have fået tildelt asyl. De medvirkende i bogen giver indblik i de håb, udfordringer og bedrifter som LGBTI+ personer med flugtbaggrund i Danmark har.