LGBT Asylum, Freemuse and Union’s event Asylum, Art and Action at Copenhagen 2021. 17 August 2021

LGBT Asylum, Freemuse and cultural house Union will hold an event, Asylum, Art and Action, during Copenhagen 2021 on 17 August 2021 at 17:30 – 23:00 CEST.
The cultural event Asylum, Art and Action is a celebration of LGBTI+ refugees. The event is hosted and curated by the Danish refugee organisation LGBT Asylum and Freemuse in collaboration with the renowned cultural house Union in Nørrebro, the creative and intercultural heart of Copenhagen and Copenhagen 2021.
The Tuesday, 17 August evening program offers a diverse and engaging artistic programme, featuring both local and international artists and speakers aimed at the visibility of LGBTI+ refugees. The central focus is to build community and support for LGBTI asylum seekers and refugees and strongly underline their right to free expression in a political setting where it is all too often denied and overlooked.
With a focus on cultural hybridity, the event will invite guests to explore the evening’s theme as an essential element in a living, breathing Copenhagen and to gain both international and local insights through engaging experiences in the field between culture and knowledge.
WHEN: 17 August 2021 ┃ 17:30 – 23:00 CEST
WHERE: Union, Nørre Allé 7, 2200 København N
Moderated by Yanaba Mompremier Rymark Sankoh, Head of Secretariat at LGBT Asylum
17.30 – 18.30 Doors open – Food, donation bar and exhibition
18.30 – 19.00 Welcoming remarks
19.00 – 20.35 Artistic programme and speakers
- Nicholas Chisha, Singer, Zambia
- Michel, Activist, Colombia
- Diva, Designer and Belly Dancer, Jordan
- Line Mompremier Aka Aswè, Singer-songwriter, Haiti/USA
- Jessica the Godess of Love
20.35 – 21.05 Break
21.05 – 22.35 Artistic programme and speakers
- Bart Staszewski, Activist, Poland
- LGBT Asylum Family, International
- Elias, Drag Performer, Syria
- Sekai Machache, Visual Artist, Zimbabwe/Scotland
- Speakers from Nørrebro Pride
- Chief, Rapper
22.35 – 23.00 Closing Remarks
*Performances will take place on the first floor, without an elevator.
Also Victor Madrigal-Borloz, UN Independent Expert on violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, will come and give a short speech.
Please remember to have your COVID-19 passport or COVID-19 negative test in order to enter.
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Lovforslag om et nyt kontanthjælpssystem lægger op til at fastholde særligt lave ydelser for flygtninge og indvandrere. De særligt lave ydelser har en lav beskæftigelsesmæssig effekt, men skaber derimod fattigdom. Og det ser ud til, at enlige uden børn – blandt andet LGBTQI+ personer med flugtbaggrund – skal være de allerfattigste.